missing tooth replacement singapore

What Are The Factors That Affect Dental Cost Singapore?

The abutment teeth on either side of the gap hold the pontic (also called a false tooth) in place. The pontics are commonly referred to as dental bridges and are typically made of porcelain for a more natural appearance.

dental bridge cost singapore may be slightly above your budget, so it is essential to understand the different types and advantages to help you make an informed decision accordingly.

Types of dental bridges

There are different types of dental bridges used during the treatment. Each of these procedures may incur different costs, depending on the procedure and other factors.

  • Traditional dental bridge: The traditional dental bridges are like dentures that are typically attached to abutment teeth utilizing dental crowns. Most often, traditional bridges are used in cases where there are natural teeth on both sides of the gap left by a missing tooth.
  • Cantilever dental bridge: Unlike a traditional bridge, only one abutment tooth is cemented to the pontic in a cantilever bridge. The gap next to the missing tooth only needs to be filled by one natural tooth, so that the cantilever bridge can be supported.
  • Maryland dental bridge: Maryland dental bridges feature two natural abutment teeth positioned on either side of the gap, similar to a traditional bridge.

An abutment tooth is not covered by a dental crown when a Maryland bridge is used. Instead, a porcelain or metal framework is attached to the back of the abutment tooth. A Maryland bridge, in the same way as a traditional bridge, can only be used where there are natural teeth on each side of the gap.

missing tooth replacement singapore

  • Implant-supported bridges: In contrast to crowns or frameworks, implant-supported bridges are supported by dental implants rather than crowns. Every missing tooth is typically replaced with one implant, which stabilizes the bridge. It is not always possible to place one implant for every missing tooth, so the bridge may be supported by two implant-supported crowns.

What affects the pricing of the dental bridge?

There are a lot of factors and variables that can affect the dental bridge cost Singapore.

  • The number of teeth that are needed to occupy the gaps
  • The materials required for the bridge
  • The complexity of the procedure and the position of the teeth
  • Additional treatments, if required, for other dental problems that may arise

There are a lot of factors that could affect the pricing of a dental bridge in Singapore. As such, one must think through carefully, before selecting their choice of procedure.

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